Scotty Barnhart Trumpet Lessons – via Skype /iChat or 'In Person'
When I am not touring with The Count Basie Orchestra or teaching my students in the Jazz Studies Department at Florida State University, I am delighted to offer online or 'in person' trumpet lessons. Using Skype or iChat, learn the elements of playing your trumpet whether your a beginner or at advanced levels and wherever you are in the World.
Three Steps to set your lesson up
1. Set-up Skype or iChat on your computer
2. Email me: sbsbmusic [at] and give me your Skype™ or iChat™ name. I will reply and we can arrange a time and date for your lesson.
3. Pay before the date and time of your lesson at
Lesson Details
Level One: Beginning to Intermediate – Cost: $50.00 (US) – Time: 30-45 Minutes
This lesson is for beginning to intermediate level trumpeters who have been playing for at least one month.
It will consist of making sure the embouchure is set correctly along with proper posture, breathing, and
mouthpiece placement.
Materials needed: Metronome.
Text required: The J.B. Arban trumpet method book is required.
Level Two: Intermediate to Advanced – Cost: $75.00 (US) – Time: 45-60 Minutes
This lesson is for intermediate to advanced trumpeters who are interested in becoming better trumpeters in general regardless of style, but also those interested in becoming jazz trumpeters with a primary focus on improvisation. Emphasis on playing lead trumpet, and being able to perform properly in a jazz trumpet section can also be covered. Trumpet technique studies are also required through the use of trumpet method books by J.B. Arban, H.L. Clarke, and Max Schlossberg.
Materials needed: Metronome, iPod/CD player, a recording device, and all mutes including plunger, cup, Harmon, bucket, and straight mute. Specific recordings and solos will be assigned based on the current level of trumpet technique and ability to improvise over chord changes.
Text required: The World of Jazz Trumpet by Scotty Barnhart (
Level Three: Advanced – Cost: $100.00 (US) – Time: 60 Minutes plus
This lesson is for advanced trumpeters who are focused primarily on becoming professional jazz trumpet soloists. Emphasis is on learning the complete history of jazz trumpet and working towards being able to improvise with authority in any type of style. Advanced level trumpet technique is required and will also be worked on in depth if necessary. Trumpet method books recommended are by J.B. Arban, Herbert L. Clarke (Technical Studies), and Theo Charlier.
Materials needed: Metronome, iPod/CD player, a recording device, and all mutes as listed above. Access to a piano/keyboard is also necessary.
Text Required: The World of Jazz Trumpet by Scotty Barnhart ( Additional books will be recommended once the lessons begin.

For information and booking Scotty Barnhart please contact:
Scotty Barnhart
email: sbsbmusic [at]
Heather taylor
email: heather [at]
Call: +44 [0]754 507 6874
Skype: heather6mt
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